Avoma vs Chorus:
Why more people choose Avoma

Let us help you make an informed decision—by being transparent, objective and fair. We respect Chorus, so there is no putting them down, or one-upping us.

Revenue Intelligence is critical, but it’s just one side of the coin – you need the other side too.

Revenue Intelligence improves visibility but helps only the sales leaders and managers

To get visibility into what reps and prospects are saying
To glean into competitive and product intelligence
To scale sales coaching

Revenue Intelligence doesn't help sales reps in note-taking and CRM data entry

Reps struggle to take notes while actively listening to the conversation
Prospect information is lost in disparate systems
They’ve to spend extra hours entering data into the CRM

Why ignore your Sales reps when you can get what you want (Revenue Intelligence) and what they want (Meeting Assistant) in one unified solution?

Avoma vs Chorus: The Complete Meeting Intelligence & Revenue Intelligence Platform

Your personal AI-assistant to save time. Not the Big Brother that monitors you.

Get an instant overview of the health of all deals in your sales pipeline. Learn from conversations across the board and get insights to coach your team. Also save hours in note-taking and improve meeting outcomes by actively participating in the conversation. ​​

Takes notes for you. Saves them to the CRM. You focus on the conversations.

Avoma’s AI-generated Notes isn’t another name for meeting transcriptions. While you focus on the conversation, Avoma takes notes for you and updates your CRM and ensures that the action items don’t fall through the cracks.

Use Avoma for internal meetings too. They’re always private.

We understand not all conversations are sales conversations, and hence don't need visibility to the entire organization. Avoma is privacy-intelligent. It keeps all internal meetings private by default. Only external customer-facing meetings are visible to the organization. You always have the ultimate control over who has access to your conversations.

Best-of-breed for sales. Also best-of-breed for the entire organization. Without breaking the bank.

While today Avoma can serve your sales team for coaching, onboarding, and revenue intelligence needs — it can scale to fit your future needs across customer success, marketing, recruiting and other functions too with a lot more affordable pricing options. No need to invest in multiple tools across functions and no need to buy insanely expensive tools for the entire organization.

Incredibly powerful. But incredibly simple. 

You don’t need a dedicated admin to set up and manage Avoma. Avoma’s clean UI is built for daily adoption and user productivity, and hence there’s almost no learning curve.

No hidden platform fee. No forced annual contracts.

We believe in our product, and in offering the best customer experience. You’re free to subscribe monthly or half-yearly too (no need for annual commitment).

More affordable than your CRM. Pay only for what you need and use.

Revenue Intelligence platforms don’t have to be more expensive than your CRM. Avoma is a powerful platform that offers complete flexibility in pricing as we understand not everyone needs every feature. Scale Avoma across functions affordably and pay only for what you need and use.

You choose how you want to buy. Book a demo or start a free trial.

You don’t have to sit through multiple qualification calls and meetings before you get to see the product. Want to play around with Avoma and see it for yourself—start a free trial. Want to talk to us? Book a demo—we’ll show and tell.

Beyond Expectations: Experience the Power of Avoma vs Chorus

Where Avoma is ahead:

The easiest to use tool, and offers a free 14-day trial 
Best for SMB and mid-market companies
Offers the best blend of manual note-taking + comprehensive AI-generated notes. Allows collaborative note-taking (multiple people taking notes on the same Note-Editor).
Focuses on the reps' entire meeting lifecycle workflow – preparing agenda for note-taking, sending no-show reminders, taking AI-generated notes, updating CRM, and more.
With Avoma, sales teams don't need to compromise on advanced CRM integration and Revenue Intelligence functionality, but also have a reliable tool that's scalable for the rest of the organization too.
Offers flexibility in pricing. If some teams don't need CRM access or Revenue Intelligence functionality, then you don't pay for it. Avoma makes it easy to buy different licenses for different members based on the functionality they need.

Where Avoma is behind (for now):

Avoma currently tracks all Email engagement, but doesn't analyze insights yet.
Avoma allows pipeline management, but doesn't proactively notify alerts about forecasted potential risks yet.
Not the best-suited for organizations wanting to use Avoma for non-English languages.
Avoma is not designed for students, researchers, universities, ecommerce, retail, etc.

How does Avoma stack up with Chorus?

Target Audience
SMB and Mid-market
Free Trial
Pricing flexibility
Offers monthly, half-yearly and annual pricing options
Sales call required, complex pricing with hidden costs
License-based pricing: Different members can buy different licenses based on the functionalities they need
Need to pay a platform fee required every year. Need to commit to a minimum number of seats
Very expensive
Product-led onboarding + Onboarding and training support from the CS team at $0
Training and onboarding might be at an additional cost
Expand usage across functions, pay only for the features required
Not scalable beyond sales and customer success
Collaborative Note-taking
Built-in Rich Note Editor
Meeting Recording
Automatic Meeting Recording
Video and audio
Video and audio
External vs. Internal Meeting Recording
Allows both internal and external meeting recording with built-in privacy intelligence. Avoma makes all internal meetings private by default.
Allows both internal and external meeting recording — no differentiation in terms of privacy.
Impromptu Meeting Recording
Download Meetings/Offline Listening
Meeting Collaboration
Snippets sharing
Comment, @ Mention, and Reply at Specific Time
AI-Meeting Assistant
Automated Transcripts
AI-Generated Notes
Yes & offers you the ability to edit the AI generated notes
Limited —  extracts notes, but doesn’t let you edit it.
Filler words tracking
Offers filler words tracking at individual as well as aggregated team level
Offers filler words tracking only at individual level
2-way Native CRM Integration
Avoma allows 2-way integration to automatically save Notes to appropriate CRM records
Chorus allows 2-way integration to update deal properties for pipeline management
2-way Native Dialer & VOIP Phone Integration
Conversation Intelligence
Interaction Skills (Talk time, Monologue, etc.)
Market Intelligence (Competitors, Features, etc.)
Topic Intelligence (Duration, Start Timing, etc.)
Coaching Usage (Self-Review, Peer Review, etc.)
Revenue Intelligence
Automatic CRM Deal Activity Sync
Pipeline Management & Forecast Intelligence
Avoma allows pipeline management, but doesn't proactively notify alerts about forecasted potential risks yet.
Offers both pipeline management and forecast intelligence
Email Intelligence 
Tracks email engagement, but doesn't analyze insights yet.
Offers email engagement, analyzes it and offers insights

Make the most out of every conversation.

Try Avoma unrestricted for 14 days. It takes a minute to set up your account.
No Credit Card required.