Avoma AI automatically scores each sales call
Auto Scoring by AI

Not enough time to review your team's calls for coaching?

Let Avoma's AI automatically score every call for you so you have 100% coverage for call coaching. Focus the limited time you have on conversations with low scores that need your attention.
AI Scorecards

Struggling with inconsistent coaching and subjective biases?

Leverage Avoma's AI scorecards which are designed from best practices to ensure every conversation is scored consistently. Prevent any subjective biases from creeping into your coaching methodology.
Avoma's AI Scorecard showing if topics were addressed or missed
Dashboard from Avoma's Auto Scoring by AI to show sales and customer success progress across all conversations
Scorecards Performance Dashboard

Unable to track if reps are following coaching advice and making progress?

Get visibility into your coaching initiatives and scorecard performance trends to learn if your team performance is improving or still not following your advice.

Team Performance Dashboard

Not seeing any results from your "one size fits all" coaching initiatives?

Create personalized and targeted coaching initiatives for each team member based on AI's performance insights for your team, and not based on your generic coaching initiatives.
Dashboard showing key topics by sales rep across all calls like addressing pain points or scheduling follow-up meeting

Integrate with your favorite tools.





Avoma integrates with your favorite tools


Trusted by more than 700 high-growth organizations

Make the most out of every meeting.

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