Avoma AI automatically scores each sales call
Deal Health Alerts

Improve your deal win rate by proactively managing deal risks

Avoma’s Deal Health Alerts and Deal Risk Score help you prioritize deals that are at risk. Using these insights, you can build an accurate revenue forecast every month. No more inflated forecasts and missed targets!
Revenue Forecast Submissions

Build accurate revenue forecasts powered by conversational intelligence

With Avoma, building your revenue forecast is as simple as committing the value of your most ‘winnable’ deals. That way, your sales and success leaders can validate forecasts and ensure greater revenue predictability.
Avoma's AI Scorecard showing if topics were addressed or missed
Dashboard from Avoma's Auto Scoring by AI to show sales and customer success progress across all conversations
Forecasting Dashboard

Monitor your team’s forecast attainment in real-time

Avoma's Forecasting dashboard helps you track your team’s revenue attainment across multiple pipelines in real-time. See if you are on track to achieve your targets, and identify risks in time to mitigate them.
Forecasting Reports

Analyze the health of your pipeline with comprehensive forecasting reports

Avoma's forecast reports help you monitor the health of your pipeline. See how much of your pipeline is at ‘High Risk’. Analyze how your pipeline has grown or shrunk in a given month. And get a weekly/monthly breakdown of pipeline movement.
Dashboard showing key topics by sales rep across all calls like addressing pain points or scheduling follow-up meeting

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Trusted by more than 700 high-growth organizations

Make the most out of every meeting.

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